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EAB Research Projects Conference (EAB-RPC) 2019

Date: 2019-09-16 (2019-09-18) - 16:00 (15:30) Location: Fraunhofer IGD, Fraunhoferstraße 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany

Organizer: The European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in cooperation with the Joint Research Center (DG-JRC) of the European Commission, and Fraunhofer IGD.

Organizing Committee: Javier Galbally (Scientific Chair, EC DG-JRC), Farzin Deravi (Round-Table Co-Chair, EAB – Univ. of Kent), Dinusha Frings (Round-Table Co-Chair, RVIG Netherlands), Fernando Alonso-Fernandez (Demo and Posters Chair, EAB – Halmstad Univ.), Alexander Nouak (Publicity and Local Committee Chair, Chairman of EAB – Fraunhofer ICT Group), Christoph Busch (Local Committee Co-Chair, EAB – Univ. of applied Sciences Darmstadt)

Fees are non-refundable as from 7 days before the start of the event

[Banner] EAB-RPC 2019 Conference Report The 6th edition of the EAB Research Projects Conference will take place at the premises of Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt, Germany from 16 to 18 September 2019. The conference is organized by the European Association on Biometrics (EAB) in cooperation with the Joint Research Center (DG JRC) of the European Commission, through its Cyber and Digital Citizens’ security Unit. The EAB-RPC 2019 will be co-located with the EAB Biometrics Research and Industry Awards and the IEEE BIOSIG Conference, later that same week.

The conference is currently the largest event on research funded by the European Union in the area of Biometrics and Identity Management. Over the previous four successful editions, EAB-RPC has become the main forum in Europe where attendees can simultaneously: promote research carried out in biometrics, forge new links and networks, and identify the appropriate partners for possible future project applications. Last year’s edition welcomed over 100 participants from academia, industry and public institutions.

This year’s edition will include the participation of numerous EU-funded research projects, such as: RHUMBO, TReSPAsS (ITN), PriMa, PROTECT, BODEGA, LIGHTest, SMILE, FOLDOUT, TRESSPASS (project), SWAN, PYCSEL, Stellar i-ris, QUARDCARD, SpeechXRays, SOTAMD, AMBER, H-Unique, PERSONA, D4FLY, RESPECT. Researchers from all over Europe will present the advances achieved in these projects, provide updates on how results from finished projects are being currently used to improve biometric technology and eventually give an insight into the future of biometric research.

In addition to the research community the conference will offer a more holistic and comprehensive perspective of the status of biometric and identity management technology in Europe with the participation of the following stakeholders:

  • End-users, represented by FRONTEX (border control), ENFSI (forensics)
  • Policy makers, represented by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
  • Managers of large IT-systems, represented by the European Agency eu-LISA in charge of deploying and running European systems such as SIS-II or Eurodac
  • Industrial partners are also welcome to join in order to give their point of view and present the challenges that they face in the development of real-world solutions

The conference will foster discussion among participants and will include a round-table where all the above communities of practice will put forward their ideas and needs, present the challenges that they face in their daily work and propose solutions.

As such, in addition to provide the latest updates on biometric research carried out in Europe, one of the main objectives of the conference is to bring together all stakeholders to try to find common approaches and strategies to give a coordinated response to the key needs identified by the Union in order to efficiently protect the freedom and security of EU citizens. All the projects in the conference are, in fact, engaged in one of the objectives driving the Union’s policy development in order to reach a more secure society (EC COM/2011/809 final – 2011/0401 (COD)):

  • Fight against crime and terrorism
  • Strengthen security through border management
  • Provide cyber security
  • Increase Europe's resilience to crises and disasters
  • Ensure privacy and freedom including the Internet and enhance the societal dimension of security
  • Enhance standardization and interoperability of systems

We thank our partners:

Logo of the European CommissionLogo of Fraunhofer IGD

We thank the Media Partner of the event:

Logo of Biometric Update

Entrance fees: normal: 360,00 € / EAB members: 240,00 € / Speakers: 120,00 € / Students (BSc, MSc, PhD): 120,00 €

Monday, 16 September 2019

Opening – Room 074
16:00 Alexander Nouak

Conference Opening

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European Association for Biometrics EAB
16:05 Jean Salomon

EAB-RPC: Backprojecting into the future

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16:15 Javier Galbally

Biometric research at DG JRC

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European Commission DG-JRC
Keynote I – Room 074
16:30 Richard Rinkens

Implications of the Interoperability Regulations

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European Commission DG-HOME
Session with just started ITNs: RHUMBO, PRIMA, TReSPAsS, H-Unique – Room 074
17:30 Mariano Alcañiz

RHUMBO: modelling and pRedicting Human decision-making Using Measures of subconscious Brain processes through mixed reality interfaces and biOmetric signals

RHUMBO poster
Universitat Politècnica de València
17:50 Raymond Veldhuis

The PriMa project

PriMa poster
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University of Twente
18:10 Massimiliano Todisco

An introduction to the TReSPAsS ITN

TReSPAsS poster
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18:30 Sue Black

An introduction to the H-Unique project

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Lancaster University

Reception, dinner and get together

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Session on finished projects: PROTECT – Room 074; Chair: James Ferryman
09:00 Susanne Kränkl

Demonstration outcomes

09:25 Simon Kirchgasser

PROTECT biometric innovations

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University of Salzburg
09:55 James Ferryman

Lessons Learnt and Recommendations

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University of Reading

Communication break + Posters

Session on finished projects: BODEGA, LIGHTest, SpeechXRays – Room 074; Chair: Alexander Nouak
10:45 Sirra Toivonen

The BODEGA project – Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control

BODEGA poster
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11:05 Heiko Roßnagel

Wrap-up of the LIGHTest project

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Fraunhofer IAO
11:25 Dijana Petrovska
Claude Bauzou

SpeechXRays H2020 project: lessons learned from testing a multi-biometric solution in real-life conditions for three use cases with 2000 users

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Telecom Sudparis

Communication break + Posters

On-going projects I: SMILE, FOLDOUT – Room 074; Chair: Javier Galbally
12:15 Georgios Stavropoulos

SMILE Project: Overview and progress

SMILE poster
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The Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas
12:45 Maj Grzegorz Kostecki

FOLDOUT: Current status

FOLDOUT poster
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Polish Border Guard

Lunch break + Posters

On-going projects II: TRESSPASS, SWAN, PYCSEL – Room 074; Chair: Javier Galbally
14:15 Dimitrios M. Kyriazanos

TRESSPASS: developments in risk based BCP security

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National Center for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS"
14:45 Raghavendra Ramachandra

Secure Access Control Over Wide Area Network (SWAN)

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Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU
15:15 Jean-François Mainguet
Marina Pouet

PYCSEL, a new flexible active thermal fingerprint sensor: hot image results

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Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)

Communication break + Posters

SME PROJECTS: Stellar i-ris, QuardCard
16:15 Johannes Junggeburth

The STELLAR I-RIS project

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16:45 Frank Sandeloev

QuardCard, unique identification and full privacy protection for your digital and Cyber life

QuardCard poster
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CardLab Innovation
Demonstrations – Foyer; Chair: Fernando Alonso

Demo-Session with Demonstrations by

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Keynote II – Room 074
09:00 Andrea de Candido

Security research: a strategic tool for capability development

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European Commission DG-HOME

Communication break + Posters

Parallel session on on-going projects I: SOTAMD – Room 074; Chair: Dinusha Frings
10:20 Dinusha Frings

State of the art of morphing detection (SOTAMD)

SOTAMD poster
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Dutch National Office for Identity Data
10:50 Luuk Spreeuwers

SOTAMD: The Morphing Process

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University of Twente
11:10 Kiran Raja

SOTAMD: Morphing detection methods

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Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
11:30 Annalisa Franco

SOTAMD: Benchmarking server

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University of Bologna

Lunch break + Posters

Parallel session on on-going projects II: AMBER – Room 073; Chair: Richard Guest
10:20 Richard Guest

AMBER: enhAnced Mobile BiomEtRics, A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network

AMBER poster
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University of Kent
10:50 Ellakiya Ellavarason

Performance Evaluation of Swipe Gestures Across Usage Scenarios of Mobile Devices

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University of Kent
11:10 Salatiel Ezennaya-Gomez

Privacy management, Regulations and Automated Consent in the Era of Mobile Biometrics

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University of Magdeburg
11:30 Anas Husseis

Vulnerability assessment in the use of biometrics in unsupervised environments

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Universidad Carlos III Madrid

Lunch break + Posters

Session on just started projects: PERSONA, D4FLY, RESPECT
12:50 Dariusz Kloza
Simone Casiraghi

Towards a comprehensive method for impact assessment of no-gate crossing technologies at European borders

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
13:10 Dimitrios Kyriazanos
Armin Reuter

An introduction to the D4FLY project

D4FLY poster
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13:30 Marta Gomez-Barrero

RESPECT: REliable, Secure and Privacy preserving multi-biometric pErson authentiCaTion

RESPECT poster
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Hochschule Darmstadt

Communication break + Posters

Roundtable – Room 074; Chair: Farzin Deravi
14:20 Farzin Deravi
Dinusha Frings

Operational Needs Meet Research

The purpose of the Round Table discussion is to explore needs of national operators and other key end-users of biometrics technologies that have not yet been addressed by past and current research. It is also a chance to explore with the operators impediments to research in biometrics such as access to data and operational conditions. Additionally, this is an opportunity to establish priorities for research so that high-impact projects could be expedited within the community.

The panelists are:

  • Frøy Løvåsdal – Senior Adviser at National Police Directorate, Norway
  • Jakob Dam Glynstrup – Head of Danish National ID Centre
  • Lena Klasén – Research Director, Swedish Police Authortity
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University of Kent
Dutch National Office for Identity Data
Conference Closing
15:10 Javier Galbally
Alexander Nouak

Conference Closing

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End of conference